MIMEconvert was written to help me deal with processing web-based form data sent via e-mail.
As you may know, the files get sent with certain special characters hex encoded. As well some MIME encoding takes place frequently meaning that spaces will be represented as a "+" and fields or form elements will be separated with an "&".
It makes using email forms on a web site a bit of a pain in the butt.
or even nicer as a single line of tab delineated text without the final, useless, submit field such as:
Zac Belado zac@pixelgeek.com Isabella's Christmas Tree
Which is why I wrote MIMEconvert.
What does it do?
MIMEconvert will:
remove MIME "mail" characters; the "+" and "&" symbols
convert hex encoded characters
save converted text to new files
append converted text to existing files
remove Submit, Reset or any other tag you specify
convert to tab delineated or any other form of single character delineation
How does it do it?
MIMEconvert does not currently support drag and drop (its on the feature list so don't bother asking for it, I already know how neat it would be) so you have to open MIME file from within the application using the File:Open menu (Cmd-O).
Depending on what your settings are MIMEconvert will either simply convert the hex encoded characters in the data or it will also (if you have not turned it off) convert the "mail" characters "+" and "&" to a space and a carriage return respectively.
You can also reconvert the data (File: Reprocess Text or Cmd-R) if you need to.
The Settings palette lets you select what types of tags you want to remove from the data; Submit, Reset or a custom tag. Again, you can reconvert the data to remove specific tags sequentially if need be. So, using the data above, you could choose to remove the "Field4" tag and the data that accompanied it.
If you want to convert the data to a line of delineated text for output to a DB or spreadsheet simply select Process Text from the File menu (File: Process Text) and MIMEconvert will strip out the field names, add a delimiter and then redisplay the text.
Finally, you can save the data to a new text file (File:Save or Cmd-S) or append it to an existing file by selecting Append to text file from the File menu (File:Append to text file).
What's it cost?
Nothing. MIMEconvert is free. Gratis. Nil.
And you can register it for free as well. To be a registered user and notified of all updates simply send your name and email address to me (zac@pixelgeek.com) and when I get another version out I'll tell you about it.
As well, if you like the program and have any suggestions for improvements, bugs or comments then I would greatly appreciate hearing about them...hell even if you don't like the program really.
Version History
Totally rewrote the app. Started the version history from scratch. This is the first public version.
Coming soon....Analog-preprocess (with a better name hopefully) which will parse your analog format web logs allowing you to exclude file types and only get the data from a particular day.
Feel free to post this app to any other FTP site or archive as long as no fee is charged for the application and that this read-me file included with the application.
This application may be included on an non-profit CD with the permission of the creator (thats me). Inclusion on any CD-ROM that is for sale and not freely distributed is prohibited unless the agreement of the author (again, thats me) is received beforehand (this doesn't include those nifty-keen freebie CCDs that come with magazines).